Psychometric Career Assessments

Career Analysis for 2nd to 7th class

It will help you to find out Multiple Intelligence of the Student

Career Analysis for 8th, 9th & 10th Class

It will help you to find out most suitable career path and subjects

Career Analysis for 11th & 12th Class

It will help you to find out most suitable career path and career road map with detailed execution plan

Engineering Assessment

It will help you to select most suitable engineering branch before engineering college admission.

Career Analysis for Graduates

It will help you to find out Most Suitable Career path and Career Road map with detailed execution plan

Career Analysis for Professionals

Early and Mid career counselling for professionals with detailed execution plan

About Us


DISCOVER-ALOTT is a platform devoted to “Personality, temperament, aptitude & behavior assessments using ”scientific tools & technologies” like adaptive learning, Artificial intelligence, & mind mapping.

The need to create a dedicated Discovery platform within ALOTT arose from the fact that the world is evolving faster and jobs are getting saturated or advancing at lightning pace.

To keep all professionals, aspirants & students abreast with “the world of work”, along with “work suitable for an individual” was need of hour.

 “Direction Setting” is as important as “Learning” itself, so to administer the right career path and mapping goals using available technologies like Psychometrics , Adaptive (machine) Learning, Augmented Reality (AR) ALLOT has arrived.

DISCOVER-ALOTT provides candidates, “Career Goal and paths “ along with training that enables them to navigate through uncharted paths and challenges that come their way.

Existing mental blocks are identified along with, factors that cause stress, and resolved through counselling techniques from certified experienced counselors. Skill and academic gaps are also addressed and guidance on how to overcome shortcomings is planned, various skill enhancement techniques and training institutions are suggested to candidate in order to reach the ordained goal set by him/ her.

ALOTT is a knowledge exchange center, where we explore and share how technology can be used to “Augment Learning Outcomes”. By technology we mean “Content, systems & processes” used in “Learning environment”. Our effort is to reach out and involve academia and professionals with experience in various fields, to make impact on learning ecosystem.

Our Services


Discover@ALOTT is a Career Assessment Test used by PERSONA AND CAREERSTREAM Certified Career Analysts for:



-->  Taking to Entrepreneurship 

->   Early career change

->   Mid-Career change 

-->  Returning to Work Especially Women 



-->  Stream Selection (Math’s, BIO, ARTS & Commerce) for VIII onwards to 12th 

-->  Professional and Vocational Education Selection for Undergraduate

-->  Moving Abroad for Career & Education

-->  Internships & Induction into JOB


ALOTT empowers PERSONA & CareerStream through resources to deliver Career related content, Training & Education


Our certified professionals comprise of:

-->    Industry SME: having spent decades in industry, with insights into jobs, and workplace requirements 

-->    Institutional SME: people working in Institutions, who can assist candidates through the institutional selection and induction process.

-->   Mentors: professionals who have made a name for themselves in their field of work, hand hold and guide the candidate in their career plan.